Sunday 16 June 2019

Things you should do in summer to stay healthy

Things you should do in summer to stay healthy

Summer is approaching and the temperature is rising rapidly. The longer, warmer days of summer are not easy and your life feels less chaotic. The sudden rise in warm weather can drain all your body energy and make it vulnerable to a number of diseases. Although we can't control the temperature outside we can change our lifestyle to remain healthy. When we think about summer, our mind fills with social gatherings, pool parties and a number of things to eat. Always consume home-made food or the one packed in food boxes under proper health measures.  Staying healthy in summer is all about adopting simplicity. Below is a list of some of the things you should do in summer to stay healthy:

1) Stay Hydrated:

Water is the best beverage choice throughout the year. However, it is much important during the summer because there is a greater risk of dehydration. Drink plenty of water. Take at least two-three liters of water every day. If you have sun exposure, drink 1-2 glass with every hour of sun. This replenishes the energy level and prevents the body from dehydrating. You may also go for flavored drinks like fruit juices, slush, and lemonade. Increase the use of mineral-rich fruits like watermelon and kiwi etc. They help in fulfilling your water intake requirements. These fruits get overripe soon due to increase in temperature. So place them in air-tight food boxes in a refrigerator to consume them in a healthier way.

2) Take Cold Water Showers:

An easy and quick way to cool down to lower down your body temperature is to step into a cold water shower. It will make you refresh. Wash your face and feet with cold water before you go to sleep. It is also recommended that wiping yourself with a wet towel or placing an ice pack on the neck can cut down your body temperature.

3) Eat Regularly but Eat Light:

Summer reduces everyone's appetite due to excessive heat. But it is essential to eat regularly because your body needs nutrients to keep you healthy. The best way is to follow a light diet plan. Include summer veggies like squash, tomato, ivy gourd, and cucumber. Avoid fried and heat generating foods like eggs and meat. Some people embrace the BBQ as it is healthy during summer as compared to traditional food. Include grilled chicken or fish as an important ingredient in your everyday meal. Beware of roadside food served in food boxes wholesale. It is exposed to sunlight, contamination and other bacterial germs which may lead to food-borne illness and stomach infection. Even if you find a food serving in well-designed custom food boxes, make an analysis of its nutritional value before eating.

4) Stay Indoors and Exert Yourself Less:

Physical activity is good for staying healthy but during summers do not over exert yourself. As you need to maintain your energy level for being active. So join indoor gyms than to indulge in outdoor activities. Keep an eye on the weather forecast. Try to stay indoors especially on hottest days and plan accordingly. If you love to walk, try it in the early hours or after the sun has set.

5) Adopt a Proper Skin Care Routine:

Summer can affect your skin if proper care is not taken. Excessive sweating and oil release can cause rashes, irritation or prickly heat. Make a practice to wash your wash. Use a tissue to wipe sweat to avoid acne. You may also for natural face packs having Aloe Vera gel or sandalwood powder which soothes your skin. If you have to work outside, use a waterproof sunscreen on the exposed parts of your body. Reapply it every 3-4 hours to keep your skin protected. Sunscreen helps in avoiding skin cancer, sunburn and slows down the aging process. Summer means increasing of dead skin cells, which are necessary to exfoliate to keep it fresh. You need not to buy expensive products to get a summer glow. Use any light scrub or make an exfoliation lotion by using a handful of milk, yogurt, and oatmeal.

6) Prefer Green Smoothies:

Smoothies are healthy and nutritional. They keep you refreshed during summers. But you need to Smoothies are healthy and nutritional. They keep you refreshed during summers. But you need to be aware of high sugar options. As most of the smoothies are made from ice cream, fruits, and frozen yogurt, so they contain a lot of hidden calories. The one you purchase from outside in food boxes is the same. A better option is to take green smoothies made from a combination of fruits and vegetables. They are still delicious but low in sugar.

7) Be Good to Your Eyes:

If you are facing streaming eyes during summer, sunglasses are your best friend. Wearing protective eyewear can help you protect your vision. Especially if you are indulged in activities like sports or mowing the lawn never miss it. Sunglasses block 99% of ultraviolet sunrays A and B. It helps in preventing cataracts and wrinkles around the eyes.  When you are indulged in activities like sports or mowing the lawn, never forget to wear protective eyewear.


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